Your Questions: Answered

My chickens are laying eggs with no shells, what should I do?

Sometimes hens may lay eggs that have thin, soft or no shells.  There may be a number of reasons for this.  First ensure that your chickens are generally healthy by conducting a health check to identify any health issues and check their worm burden and worm if necessary.  Feed your hens a high quality food making sure that this is a significant proportion of their diet and that treats are kept to a minimum.  Eggs with no shells might occur when hens are heat stressed.  Nettex Poultry Egg and Shell Support Powder is a complementary mineral feed specially formulated to improve egg quality, assist digestion and provide nutritional support for laying hens.  Nettex Poultry Egg and Shell Support Powder provides high levels of limestone, oyster grit and calcium to help strengthen and improve eggshell quality and added seaweed which is full of natural amino acids, to improve yolk colour and support hens in lay.