Your Questions: Answered

How do I prepare my coop and run for the winter?

In the winter months chickens will be spending more time in the run and coop than in the summer months.  Check all parts of the coop and the roof for anything which may need repairing and ensure repairs are made before the cold and wet weather hits. The Chicken Whisperer recommends using Onduline roofing, which may also help to deter Red Mites.

Check the security of the run and cover it with a clear waterproof membrane to give your chickens somewhere dry to shelter during bad weather.  It’s important to make sure that both housing and runs are weather and water proof with adequate ventilation to avoid the build-up of condensation and ammonia. Clear tarpaulins with bungee hooks are a cost effective and excellent way to achieve this.

Lastly, shredded Hemp Bedding is ideal as a bedding source as it is much more absorbent than other types of bedding which also helps with keeping mites at bay. Sprinkle Nettex Ground and Bedding Sanitising Powder on the ground and bedding, as this highly absorbent powder will help to keep your chicken’s environment clean and dry whilst helping to eliminate bad odours, worm eggs and bacteria, whilst extending the life of the bedding.  Remember – chickens allowed to paddle around in damp and mucky litter are at a higher risk of developing bacterial or fungal foot problems quickly.